Believe in Peace Mantra

Cover Art - Believe in Peace Mantra
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  • Producer: Thinkroot Meditation
  • BPM: 120
  • Time: 2:14
  • Type: Instrumental Included, Meditation, Monaural Beats, New Age, Relaxation

"Believe in Peace Mantra" by Thinkroot Meditation was created while visualizing world peace and feeling love and compassion. These Himalayan singing bowls naturally produce monaural beats and harmonic overtones at theta 4.39Hz, 4.4Hz, 5.86Hz and 7.33Hz. Theta is a dreamy, meditative brainwave state that is deeply relaxing and peaceful. When the bowls ring together in unity, gamma monaural beats are created that can initiate transcendental feelings of oneness.

120 BPM

Purchase Includes

  • Full Vocal Mix
  • Vocal Mix without Drums
  • Instrumental Version
  • Instrumental Version without Drums
  • Singing Bowls Isolated

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